For the INFS2030 group project that involves the development of a digital business plan for a new product or service, our team created StartMeUp (SMU). SMU is a digital business with a mission to aid micro-businesses utilising modern technologies in their most traditional businesses. Importantly, each of SMU’s services is specifically designed to help micro-businesses overcome commonly underdeveloped capabilities relating to finance, marketing, inventory management, accounting, and technology adoption.
Designed Presentation Pack and Report
Conducted Market Research and Analysis
Identified indirect and direct competitors
Created Customer Personas and Customer Journeys
Produced wireframes and design mock-ups for website and application
Business Model Canvas
Each of SMU’s services is specifically designed to help micro-businesses overcome commonly underdeveloped capabilities relating to finance, marketing, inventory management, accounting (Gherhes, Williams, Vorley, & Vasconcelos, 2016), and technology adoption (ABS, 2019). By targeting these key business operations, SMU can help micro businesses generate untapped short-term and long-term value, typically exclusive only to larger businesses, including, but not limited to, broader customer reach, stronger customer relationships, reduced resource wastage, optimized business strategies (Commonwealth of Australia, 2021), more efficient internal processes and economies of scale (Fitzgerald, Kruschwitz, Bonnet & Welch, 2013).
Customer Personas
Distinction (D)
SMU aims to target micro-business owners, specifically those with low technology literacy, startups, older aged owners, and traditional brick & mortar businesses
Made on Canva
Customer Journey
High Distinction (HD)
App & Website Prototypes
Made on Figma