Harmony App

  • Distinction Report (D)

  • Distinction Presentation (D)


App integration into daily life, such as scheduling apps and fitness trackers, has established a growing market for self-care and time management applications that allow users to organize their life. Our Harmony application aims to capitalize on this trend by offering an all-encompassing app for maintaining healthy habits, akin to a personal assistant.



Our goal is to target the millennial market who work corporate jobs and are health conscious. Harmony app encourages healthy habits with the 9-5 working days in mind.



  • Designed Report Structure

  • Created Customer Journeys, Customer Personas

  • Analysed Target Market



How did the idea for Harmony form?

We observed trends that had occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic and targeted issues we observed as a result of these trends. We used the demand-pull structure to emphasize with our consumers, define the problems, and ideate opportunities.

What were the target market and their concerns?

As part of the emphasize stage, we narrowed our target market to millennial professional workers, due to their potential as long-term consumers, and as they comprise a large portion of those currently working from home due to the pandemic.

With this target market in mind, we compiled a bug list that we wanted to address with our idea:

  • Sitting and looking at the screen for extended periods of time can cause eye strain and back and neck pain 

  • Working from home in an isolated environment can often result in losing track of time, meaning individuals forget to eat, drink water, or just take a break to recuperate 

  • Working from home results in fewer opportunities to leave the house -- even the short walk from a train station to the office is lost 

  • Weather issues such as sun glare or rain can prevent individuals from being able to work outside 

  • There are limited options for leaving the house during the lockdown, and exercise becomes monotonous

This bug list was used to generate the ideas listed below.

Opportunity Tournament


Based on the evaluation of ideas template above, we narrowed down our potential products to Idea A and B, based on customer impact, feasibility, and innovativeness. 


Developing 2 Concepts


Idea A: Harmony

Created on Figma

As many professional millennials and university students are working from home (WFM) and will most likely WFM beyond ‘lockdowns’, the mindfulness app aims to help users adjust to this new normal by promoting and maintaining healthy habits.


Idea B: Spot Finder

Created on Figma

Spot Finder is an app concept that allows users to source optimal study spaces.

SpotFinder’s goal is to satisfy all users’ needs through personalization. Users can filter what aspects they want in a study spot (i.e., distance, wifi availability, air-conditioned). Once a location is picked, SpotFinder will generate the quickest route to the destination. Users can actively post reviews about specific spots or passively engage through reading reviews. Businesses can opt-in SpotFinder, post their location onto the app and input their unique features.


Target Market

Customer Personas

Created on Canva


Customer Journeys

Created on Canva

Value Proposition Canvas

Created on Canva


StartMeUp Platform


The Smile Project