I am a Technical Business Analyst at Macquarie Group

ex Service Designer at Westpac, and USYD Graduate based in Sydney, Australia.

I have a passion for applying creative ideas and technologies to improve the user experience.

Latest Projects


Welcome to my ‘Life Journey Map’

  • Throughout 22 years, I’ve lived in Singapore, Hanoi, and finally resided in Sydney to pursue my university education. Being able to immerse myself in unique cultures helped gathered my experiences exploring what the world of technology has to offer. Specifically, I’ve become to love design as a whole. From understanding how color palettes work to using software to execute my creativity, I always found that there is something new to learn and opportunities to discover.

  • I enjoy taking complex problems and turning them into simple and beautiful interface designs.

    Outside of my professional passions, I am personally invested in finding the next best show (ranging from Bojack Horseman to Attack on Titan of course) and restaurants whenever I travel.

    Do check out Cong Caphe in Vietnam, my personal favorite is the coconut coffee / ‘cốt dừa cà phê’!




UX Research

Customer Persona

Customer & Business Journey Mapping

Business Process Modelling

Wireframes & Mock ups

User Testing



Software Proficiency




Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premier
